

Dr. Youm is safely seeing patients in his office during his regular office hours. For those patients who prefer a telemedicine visit, please call or email the office at info@yoummd.com with your name, date of birth, email and cell phone number.

Dr. Youm Now Offers Telemedicine Consults.

Dr. Youm offers expert orthopedic care specializing in sports medicine to treat patients at home. Video consults, or telemedicine, is also cost-effective and time-saving, reducing stress on the patient and family.

Telemedicine is the use of communication technology to deliver medical expertise from one location to another for healthcare treatments. It includes email, 2-way video, smartphones, and other forms of telecommunication. Telemedicine can be a viable solution to get relief from shoulder pain during the COVID-19 crisis.

Dr. Youm can review your imaging studies, MRI or radiographs remotely and help determine the right solution for improving your orthopedic condition.

The process for scheduling your video conference is simple. Just call our office and we will get the required information and schedule time for your video consultation with Dr. Youm.

Please give us a call to learn more or schedule an appointment.

Getting Started for patients How to check in for your video visit

Telemedicine Steps

Call Tips

  • Have a good internet connection
  • Restart your device before the visit
  • Use the Start Test button in the waiting room
  • Need help? Send us a message doxy.me