

  1. Campbell A, Thompson K, Pham H, Pickell M, BeglyJ, Wolfson T, Youm T. Incidence and Pattern of Iliopsoas Tendinitis Following Hip Arthroscopy.Hip International. 2020.
  2. Kouk S, Baron S, Pham H, Campbell A, Begly J, Youm T. Clinical Outcomes Of Hip Arthroscopy In Patients With Systemic Inflammatory Diseases Compared To Matched Controls At A Minimum Of 2-Year Follow-Up.Arthroscopy. 2020 Feb 06.
  3. Chenard K, Mai D, Begly JP, Ryan MK, Youm T. Does a Traumatic Etiology of Hip Pain Influence Hip Arthroscopy Outcomes? Arthroscopy. 2020:36(1):167-175.
  4. Wolfson T, Ryan MK, Begly JP, Youm T. Outcome Trends After Hip Arthroscopy fo Femoroacetabular Impingement: When Do Patients Improve? Arthroscopy. 2019 Dec; 35(12);3261-3270.
  5. Kaplan DJ, Samin M, Burke CJ, Meislin RJ, Youm T. Validity of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Measurement of Hip Labral Width Compared With Intraoperative Assessment. Arthroscopy. 2019.
  6. Hamula MJ, Ryan MK, Baron SL, Bloom DA, Youm T. Atypical Hip Pain in Femoroacetabular Impingement: A Comparison of Outcomes Based on Primary Hip Pain Location. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019.
  7. Samin M, Walter W, Gyftopoulos S, Poultsides L, Youm T. MRI Assessment of Subspine Impingement: Features beyond the Anterior Inferior Iliace Spine Morphology. Radiology. 2019.
  8. Ben-Eliezer N, Raya J, Babb JS, Youm T, Sodickson DK, Lattanzi R. Cartilage Evaluation in Femoroacetabular Impingement Using Quantitative T2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Preliminary Validation Against Arthroscopic Findings. Cartilage. 2019.
  9. Burke CJ, Walter WR, Gyftopoulos S, Pham H, Baron S, Gonzalez-Lomas G, Vigdorchik JM, Youm T. Real-Time Assessment of Femoroacetabular Motion Using Radial Gradient Echo Magnetic Resonance Arthrography at 3 Tesla in Routine Clinical Practice: A Pilot Study. Arthroscopy. 2019:35(8):2366-2374.
  10. Hajnik C, Akhavan S, Wyland DJ, Cohen SB, Jazrawi LM, Youm T, GJ Loren, Farr J, Rahme MD, Rahme M, Reischling P. Two Year Clinical Outcomes of the Subchondroplasty Procedure for Treatment of Symptomatic Bone Marrow Lesions of the Knee. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019.
  11. Samim M, Eftekhary N, Vigdorchik JM, Elbuluk A, Davidovitch R, Youm T, Gyftopoulos S. 3D-MRI versus 3D-CT in the evaluation of osseous anatomy in femoroacetbular impingement using Dixon 3D FLASH sequence. Skeletal Radiol. 2019 Mar;48(3):429-436.
  12. Samim M, Youm T, Burke C, Meislin R, Vigdorchik J, Gyftopoulos S. Hip arthroscopy-MRI correlation and differences for hip anatomy and pathology: What radiologists need to know. Clin Imaging. 2018 Nov – Dec;52:315-327.
  13. Ryan MK, Youm T, Vigdorchik JM. Beyond the Scope Open Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement. Bull Hosp Jt Dis (2013). 2018 Mar;76(1):47-54
  14. Youm T. Editorial Commentary: Wanted Dead or Alive: Primary Allograft Labral Reconstruction of the Hip Is As Successful, if Not More Successful, Than Primary Labral Repair. Arthroscopy. 2018 Feb;34(2):441-443.
  15. Shenoy K, Dai AZ, Mahure SA, Kaplan DJ, Capogna B, Youm T. Arthroscopic Repair of Hip Labrum With Suture Anchors. Arthrosc Tech. 2017 Nov 13;6(6):e2143-e2149.
  16. Kester BS, Capogna B, Mahure SA, Ryan MK, Mollon B, Youm T. Independent Risk Factors for Revision Surgery or Conversion to Total Hip Arthroplasty After Hip Arthroscopy: A Review of a Large Statewide Database From 2011 to 2012. Arthroscopy. 2018 Feb;34(2):464-470.
  17. Capogna B, Hamula M, Begly J, Wolfson T, Looze C, Ryan MK, Youm T. Independent risk factors for poor outcome after hip arthroscopy. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2017 Conference:(2017)
  18. Mahure S, Ryan MK, Buckland A, Hamula M, Begly J, Capogna B, Looze C, Chenard K, Youm T. Concomitant lumbar spine pathology in patients undergoing hip arthroscopy: A matched cohort analysis. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2017 Conference:(2017)
  19. Dold A, Perretta D, Youm T. Osteomyelitis After Calcium Phosphate Subchondroplasty A Case Report. Bull Hosp Jt Dis (2013). 2017 Dec;75(4):282-285.
  20. Guss M, Youm T. Accelerated Degenerative Joint Disease After Staged Hip Arthroscopy and Periacetabular Osteotomy in a Patient with Hip Dysplasia. Bull Hosp Jt Dis (2013). 2017 May;75(3):220-224.
  21. Ramos N, Dold A, Youm T. Postoperative Considerations Following Hip Arthroscopy. JBJS Reviews. 2017 Jul;5(7):e3.
  22. Capogna BM, Shenoy K, Youm T, Stuchin SA. Tendon Disorders After Total Hip Arthroplasty: Evaluation and Management. J Arthroplasty. 2017 Apr 27.
  23. Capogna, BM; Ryan, MK; Begly, JP; Chenard, KE; Mahure, SA; Youm, T. Clinical Outcomes of Hip Arthroscopy in Patients 60 or Older: A Minimum of 2-Year Follow-up. Arthroscopy. 2016 32(12):2505-2510.
  24. Begly, J P; Ryan, M K; Capogna, B; Youm, T. Clinical Outcomes Following Arthroscopic Microfracture of the Hip. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine. 2016 Conference:(2016):- [Meeting Abstract]
  25. Begly JP, Robins B, Youm T. Arthroscopic Treatment of Traumatic Hip Dislocation. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2016 May;309-17.
  26. Lerebours F, Cohn R, Youm T. Endoscopic Treatment of Gluteus Medius Tears: A Review. Bull Hosp Jt Dis. 2016 Mar;74(1):58-62.
  27. Collings J, Beutel B, Bosco J, Strauss E, Youm T, Jazrawi L. Bone Marrow Edema: Chronic Bone Marrow Lesions of the Knee and the Association with Osteoarthritis. Bull Hosp Jt Dis. 2016 Mar;74(1):24-36.
  28. Lerebours F, Robertson W, Neri B, Schulz B, Youm T, Limpisvasti O. Prevalence of Cam-Type Morphology in Elite Ice Hockey Players. Am J Sports Med. 2016 Apr;44(4):1024-30.
  29. Begly JP, Ryan MK, Capogna B, Youm T. Clinical outcomes following microfracture of the hip. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. 2016 Conference:(2016)
  30. Chatterjee D, McGee A, Strauss E, Youm T, Jazrawi L. Reply to letter to the editor: subchondral calcium phosphate is ineffective for bone marrow edema lesions in adult with advanced arthritis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Dec;473(12):3978-80.
  31. Chatterjee D, McGee A, Strauss E, Youm T, Jazrawi L. Subchondral Calcium Phosphate is ineffective for Bone Marrow Edema Lesions in adults with Advanced Osteoarthritis. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Jul;473(7):2334-42.
  32. Youm T, Takemoto R, Park BK. Acute management of shoulder dislocations. J Am AcadOrthop Surg. 2014 Dec;22(12):761-771. Review.
  33. Collins JA, Beutel BG, Garofolo G, Youm T. Correlation of obesity with patient-reported outcomes and complications after hip arthroscopy. Arthroscopy. 2015 Jan;31(1):57-62.
  34. Uquillas CA, Youm T. Ultrasound-Guided Pulse Lavage for Heterotopic Ossification After Prior Hip Arthroscopy: A Case Report. JBJS Case Connect. 2014 Aug 27;4(3):e74-e6
  35. Lattanzi R,Petchprapa C,Ascani D, Babb JS, Chu D, Davidovitch R; Youm T, Meislin RJ, Recht MP. Detection of cartilage damage in femoroacetabular impingement with standardized dGEMRIC at 3T. Osteoarthritis & Cartilage. 2014 Mar;22(3):447-56.
  36. Alaia MJ, Patel D, Levy A, Youm T, Bharam S, Meislin R, Bosco J, Davidovitch RI. The incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE)—after hip arthroscopy. Bull Hosp JtDis (2013). 2014;72(2):154-8.
  37. Ward JP, Shreve MC, Youm T, Strauss EJ. Ruptures of the distal biceps tendon. Bull Hosp JtDis (2013). 2014;72(1):110-9
  38. Beutel BG, Collins JA, Garofolo G, Youm T. Hip arthroscopy outcomes, complications, and traction safety in patients with prior lower extremity arthroplasty. Int Orthop. 2014 Aug 8.
  39. Beck DM, Park BK, Youm T, Wolfson TS. Arthroscopic treatment of labral tears and concurrent avascular necrosis of the femoral head in young adults. Arthroscopy techniques. 2013;2(4):e367-e371.
  40. Collins JA, Ward JP, Youm T. Is Prophylactic Surgery for Femoroacetabular Impingement Indicated?: A Systematic Review. Am J Sports Med. 2013; Aug 21
  41. Capeci CM, Turchiano M, Strauss EJ, Youm T. Osteochondral allografts: applications in treating articular cartilage defects in the knee. Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. 2013;71(1)60-7.
  42. Ong C, Hall M, Youm T. Surgical technique: arthroscopic treatment of heterotopic ossification of the hip after prior hip arthroscopy. ClinOrthopRelat Res 2013 Apr; 471(4): 1277-82.
  43. Ward JP, Rogers P, Youm T. Failed hip arthroscopy: causes and treatment options. Orthopedics, 2012 Jul 1;35(7):612-7.
  44. Ward JP, Albert DB, Altman R, Goldstein RY, Cuff G, Youm T. Are femoral nerve blocks effective for early postoperative pain management after hip arthroscopy.Arthroscopy. 2012 Aug;28(8):1064-9.
  45. Jayajumar P, Ramachandran M, Youm T, Achan P. Arthroscopy of the hip for paediatric and adolescent disorders: Current concepts. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2012 Mar; 94-B: 290-296.
  46. Ruchelsman DE, Hall MP, Youm T. Osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum: current concepts. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2010 Sep; 18(9): 557-567
  47. Kaplan K, Shah MR, YoumT. Femoroacetabular Impingement: Diagnosis and Treatment. Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. 2010; 68(2): 70-5.
  48. Youm T, ElAttrache NS, Tibone JE, McGarry MH, Lee TQ. The effect of the long head of the biceps on glenohumeral kinematics. Journal of Shoulder & Elbow Surgery. 2009; 18: 122.
  49. Gruson KI, Ilalov K, Youm T. A broken scalpel blade tip: an unusual complication of knee arthroscopy. Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. 2008; 66: 54.
  50. Youm T, Tibone JE, Elattrache NS, McGarry MH, Lee TQ. Simulated type II superior labral anterior posterior lesions do not alter the path of glenohumeral articulation: A cadaveric biomechanical study. American journal of sports medicine. 2008; 36: 767.
  51. Frank JB, Youm T, Meislin RJ, Rokito AS. Posterolateral corner injuries of the knee. Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. 2007; 65: 106.
  52. Trygesstad K, Youm T, Koval K. The orthopedic management of decubitus ulcers around the proximal femur. American Journal of Orthopedics. 2006 Jul; 35(7): 316-21.
  53. Youm T, Matthews PV, ElAttrache NS. Treatment of Spinoglenoid Cysts Associated with Superior Labral Tears without Cyst Aspiration, Debridement, or Excision. Arthroscopy. 2006 May; 22(5): 548-52.
  54. Youm T, Murray D, Rokito A, Zuckerman JD. Arthroscopic vs. Mini-open rotator cuff repair: a comparison of clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2005 Sep-Oct; 14(5):455-9.
  55. Youm T, Maurer SG, Stuchin SA. Post-operative management after total hip and knee arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty. 2005 Apr; 20(3):322-4.
  56. Youm T, Hommen JP, Ong BC, Chen AL. Os acromiale: evaluation and treatment. American Journal of Orthopedics. 2005 Jun; 34(6):277-283.
  57. Youm T, Chen AL. Discoid lateral meniscus: evaluation and treatment. American Journal of Orthopedics. 2004 May; 33(5):234-8.
  58. Pavone V, Youm T, Baldini T, Rimnac C, Wright T, Sculco TP. Bilateral cobalt alloy femoral component fracture: a case report. American Journal of Orthopedics. 2004 April; 33(4):185-9.
  59. Chen AL, Youm T, Ong BC, Rafii M, Rokito AS. Imaging of the elbow in the overhead throwing athlete. American Journal of Sports Medicine.2003 qMay-Jun; 31(3):466-73.
  60. Youm T, Bosco J. Clinical Cases: Lateral Discoid Meniscus. MedscapeOrthopaedics& Sports Medicine 7(1) 2003 @ 2003 Medscape.
  61. Youm T, Koval KJ, Zuckerman JD. Effect of previous cerebrovascular accident on outcome after hip fracture. Journal of Orthopedic Trauma. 2000 Jun-Jul; 14(5):329-34.
  62. Youm T, Koval KJ, Zuckerman JD. The economic impact of geriatric hip fractures. American Journal of Orthopedics. 1999 Jul; 28(7):432-8.
  63. Youm T, Margiotta M, Kasabian A, Karp N. Complications of tissue expansion in a public hospital. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 1999 Apr; 42(4):397-401.
  64. Youm T, Koval KJ, Kummer FJ, Zuckerman JD. Do all hip fractures result from a fall? American Journal of Orthopedics. 1999 Mar; 28(3):190-4.
  65. Rosenberg AD, Youm T, Koval K, Orbeta R, Soberano T, Hoek EV – Abstract. The safety of reinfusing unwashed wound drainage in the PACU. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1998;86:S177.