Hip dysplasia: When is surgery required?
Source: Medical Xpress
Hip dysplasia is a condition in which the top portion of the thigh bone doesn't fit properly in the socket portion of the hip joint — either because it is out of place or it is not the correct shape. In many cases, this condition is present at birth. Some people may not be diagnosed during childhood, however, and only when symptoms appear later is the problem identified. Although some adults with hip dysplasia need surgery to correct the problem, total hip replacement isn’t always necessary.
Newer UKR prosthesis for patients with osteoarthritis achieved satisfactory results
Source: Healio
Patients who received a newer prosthesis similar to the Miller-Galante knee design showed significantly better Knee Society function scores than patients who had a long-used prosthesis to which it was compared. However, the two implants performed about the same at short-term follow-up, according to a presenter.
Treatment of Locked Posterior Shoulder Dislocation With Bone Defect
Source: PubMed
Locked posterior shoulder dislocation is an uncommon condition and is associated with a reverse Hill-Sachs lesion in 50% of cases. The condition is likely to occur in cases of violent trauma, seizures, or electric shock. Unrecognized dislocation with humeral head fracture affects joint function and humeral head vascularity and may lead to chronic instability, osteonecrosis, and osteoarthritis.
Rates of Complications and Secondary Surgeries After In Situ Cubital Tunnel Release Compared With Ulnar Nerve Transposition: A Retrospective Review
Source: PubMed
The purpose of this study was to contrast the rate and types of complications and secondary surgeries for in situ cubital tunnel release and ulnar nerve transposition.
Care of Shoulder Pain in the Overhead Athlete
Source: PubMed
Shoulder complaints are common in the overhead athlete. Understanding the biomechanics of throwing and swimming requires understanding the importance of maintaining the glenohumeral relationship of the shoulder.
Patient-reported results, knee stability improved after all-inside double-bundle ACL reconstruction
Source: Healio
Investigators found significant improvements from preoperative measures at 24.8-month follow-up for both mean side-to-side differences and Lysholm scores in patients who underwent double-bundle ACL reconstruction using a special drill pin guide and reamer, along with a laser-guided device to facilitate a transtibial approach.
Imaging identifies cartilage regeneration in long-distance runners
Source: RSNA News
Using a mobile MRI truck, researchers followed runners for 4,500 kilometers through Europe to study the physical limits and adaptation of athletes over a 64-day period, according to a study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
Martial arts can be hazardous to kids
Source: Medical Xpress
(HealthDay)—Perhaps there's a black belt in your child's future. But for safety's sake, kids should only engage in noncontact forms of martial arts, a new American Academy of Pediatrics report says.
Risk of surgical complications up for overlapping hip surgery
Source: Medical Xpress
For patients undergoing surgery for hip fracture or total hip arthroplasty (THA), overlapping surgery is associated with increased risk of surgical complications, according to a study published online Dec. 4 in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Femoral Component Revision of Total Hip Arthroplasty
Source: Healio
Modern primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) is among the most successful operations in medicine. It has been a consistently effective treatment for end-stage osteoarthritis of the hip. With the increasing number of primary THA procedures being performed and the decreasing age of patients undergoing the procedure, there is an inevitable associated increase in revision burden for arthroplasty surgeons.