Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty for the Massive Rotator Cuff Tear
Source: ICJR
Orthopaedic surgeons have become increasingly interested in the use of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty to manage massive rotator cuff tears. This has been due to the success we have had with the procedure as the rate of complications decreased, thanks to the significant knowledge we have gained over the course of the past 10 years of using the reverse prosthesis.
Panel discusses epidemic of youth sports injuries, role of prevention programs
Source: Healio
At Orthopedics Today Hawaii 2015, we convened a special Banyan Tree session to talk about injuries in youth athletes. This is a real problem that all orthopedic surgeons see on a regular basis — one that, I think, is still under-recognized. In this Orthopedics Today Round Table, we highlight the discussion, particularly as it relates to overhead sports, as well as how orthopedic surgeons can play a role in stemming the tide of injuries. We also talk about innovations to help with prevention and treatment, as well as the role of the STOP Sports Injuries and Pitch Smart programs.
Nearly half of patients safe for discharge by postoperative day 2 after total joint arthroplasty
Source: Healio
Among patients who underwent total joint arthroplasty required to follow the Medicare 72-hour-stay rule, 47.88% were safe for discharge to a skilled nursing facility by postoperative day 2, according to results presented at the American Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting.
3D Imaging and Templating May Improve Glenoid Positoning in Anatomic TSA
Source: ICJR
All patients had postoperative, artifact-reduction 3D CT scans to evaluate glenoid position relative to the preoperative plan. No patients in this study were lost to follow up.
Osteochondral autograft transplantation may offer higher rate of return to pre-injury athletics
Source: Healio
Among patients who underwent cartilage repair of the knee, osteochondral autograft transplantation enabled a much higher rate of return to pre-injury athletics, according to results presented at the International Cartilage Repair Society Annual Meeting.
University of Iowa team developing bioactive gel to treat knee injuries
Source: Medical News Today
Injectable gel encourages self-healing of cartilage
Knee injuries are the bane of athletes everywhere, from professionals and college stars to weekend warriors. Current surgical options for repairing damaged cartilage caused by knee injuries are costly, can have complications, and often are not very effective in the long run. Even after surgery, cartilage degeneration can progress leading to painful arthritis.
High risk of capsular restretching found among women and elite athletes
Source: Healio
Even after successful arthroscopic Bankart repair and capsular shift, women, elite athletes and patients with frequent dislocations were at high risk of capsular restretching, according to study results.
Women fare better than men following total knee, hip replacement
Source: Medical Xpress
While women may have their first total joint replacement (TJR) at an older age, they are less likely to have complications related to their surgery or require revision surgery, according to a new study presented today at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). The findings contradict the theory that TJR is underutilized in female patients because they have worse outcomes then men.
Caregivers frequently unaware of safety guidelines for young baseball pitchers
Source: Healio
Results of a survey presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting indicated caregivers were frequently unaware of safety guidelines recommended for young baseball pitchers.
A hip and trunk training program for athletes reduces ACL injuries
Source: Medical Xpress
With the help of the Hockeyroos UWA researchers have developed a hip and trunk training program that could reduce the high rates of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in all levels of sport.